‘For the Love of Clark’: History department to host virtual exhibition on Clark Building

Clark Building

The Colorado State University Department of History will be hosting a virtual exhibition on the Andrew G. Clark Building at 7 p.m. on Dec. 3, via Zoom. The exhibition is free and open to the public, though those interested will need to reach out to instructor Adam Thomas at adam.thomas@colostate.edu to receive the link to the Zoom call.

Graduate students enrolled in HIST 540: Material Culture will present a program entitled “For the Love of Clark: A Virtual Exhibition.” They will discuss the merits and faults of the Andrew G. Clark Building from the perspective of its material culture — materials, objects, art and all the other tangible things that make Clark both a building and an experience. Topics will include movement and accessibility, architectural style, landscaping and lighting. Students also plan to discuss Clark’s role in the historic memory of Colorado State University, including the reasons for the building’s layout and its unusual architectural style.

Formerly known as the Social Sciences Building, the Clark Building is home to CSU’s College of the Liberal Arts. It was originally completed in 1968 and was recently remodeled in 2010. The College of Liberal Arts is currently seeking to substantially renovate the aging building.

Clark Building