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Interdisciplinarity in action

Published Apr. 22, 2024

The Insights Speaker Series highlights College of Liberal Arts faculty shedding light on engaging topics. This installment features four CLA faculty highlighting interdisciplinarity in action. From the role of Spanish language in healthcare to problem-solving through social sciences, each project explores interdisciplinarity through a unique lens. These brief, exciting presentations seek to generate discussion and stimulate ideas that highlight the value of the liberal arts.


Pottery and The Ethics of Time Travel

Del Harrow is professor of sculpture, digital fabrication, and ceramics in the Department of Art and Art History. Here he explores the complex history and nature of the clay with which sculptors have worked throughout human history and invites us to reconsider our assumptions about the relationship between the artist and the material.

Stronger Together: What Makes Problem-Solving Science Different

Dr. Jeni Cross is a professor of sociology and the director of the Institute for Research in the Social Sciences. Here she shares her experience of the unique power of community-based problem-solving science not merely to pose questions but to answer them, and in doing so to inspire the next generation of researchers.

Looking in the Wrong Places: a Primer

Dr. John Slater is a professor of Spanish who looks at the insights that sermons and other religious texts offer into the development of early modern scientific and medical knowledge. Here he tells the story of just how he made his way onto this somewhat unlikely—but fascinating—path of inquiry.

Language is a Lifeline

Dr. Alyssia Miller De Rutté is an assistant professor of Spanish for Specific Purposes. Here she explores the inequitable health implications of our current inadequate access to Spanish-language-centered health care in this country.

Check out the collection of Insights Speaker Series presentations on our YouTube channel.